Daily Program
Reception MSA Technologies and Enterprise Services
Hall 14, Stand H20
Redundant escape routes — about saving money in an urban environment
Topic: Fire Prevention
Dipl.-Phys. Björn Maiworm
Landeshauptstadt München
Hall 26, Stand C22
The Roles of BIM & GIS as Drivers of Transformation in Public Safety
Topic: Civil Protection + more
Tim Obermeier
Fire Safety Engineer, hhpberlin Ingenieure für Brandschutz
Hall 26, Stand C22
Begrüßung am ZdT-Stand
Topic: Fire Fighting
Hall 27, Stand D38
GDA-S- Gas Detector Array — Stationary The solution to c-protect critical infrastructures
Topic: Security systems
Hall 16, Stand K25
LUKAS: Cutting/Training Session
Topic: Rescue Technology + more
Hall 27, Stand K18
Opening ceremony INTERSCHUTZ 2022
Convention Center (CC), Exhibition Grounds
Presentation of the new communication fallback level for BOS, disaster control and KRITIS
Topic: Communications & Control Center Solutions
Hall 16, Stand H05
The latest TESIMAX PPE (Personal Protective Equipment)
Topic: Protective Equipment
Hall 14, Stand H32
The benefits of using high-pressure water mist fire suppression systems in high-rise buildings
Topic: Fire Prevention
Cvil Engineer MSc. Amin Hadian
Application Marketing Manager, Danfoss GmbH
Hall 26, Stand C22
BOS-ID — der neue digitale Dienstausweis
Topic: Fire Fighting
Hall 27, Stand D38
Transition from fluorine containing to fluorine free foam concentrates — points to consider
Topic: Fire Prevention + more
Dipl.-Ing. (BA) Ingo Wosch
Sales, FireDos GmbH
Hall 26, Stand C22
Fire testing acc. to American Standards from a european perspective
Topic: Fire Prevention
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Stephan Schaper
System Development Construction, svt Brandschutz Vertriebsges.mbH Int.
Hall 26, Stand C22
Experience the LEGO® Serious Play® (LSP) method
Topic: Civil Protection
Hall 17, Stand G18
miPROTECT - Rapid Test for Biological Threat Agents
Topic: Security systems
Hall 16, Stand K25
Rescue robotics in operation
Topic: Rescue Technology
Hall 17, Stand D06
Cultural property under special fire protection
Topic: Fire Prevention
Roger Hoffmann
General Manager, HT Protect Feuerschutz+Sicherheitstech.
Hall 26, Stand C22
LUKAS: Cutting/Training Session
Topic: Rescue Technology + more
Hall 27, Stand K18
VETTER: E-Vehicle Isolation System
Topic: Fire Fighting + more
Andreas Classen
Vetter GmbHHall 27, Stand K18
GDA-F — Gas Detector Array- Fumigation
Topic: Security systems
Hall 16, Stand K25
Interne Konflikte - Ein Sicher-heitsrisiko im Einsatz! Vorbeugen. Erkennen. Lösen!
Topic: Fire Fighting
Hall 27, Stand D38
Hoist operation in unalpine areas
Topic: Civil Protection + more
Ingo Lorenz
Regional Manager Medicine North, ADAC Luftrettung GmbH
Hall 26, Stand C22
Die Mitwirkung der Feuerwehren im Gemeinsamen Kompetenzzentrum Bevölkerungsschutz von Bund & Ländern
Topic: Fire Fighting
Hall 27, Stand D38
Improved situational awareness for firefighters by integrating different data sources
Topic: Civil Protection
Hall 16, Stand J01
Mobile disinfection device for premises and vehicles with cold fogged peristatic acid
Topic: Security systems
Hall 16, Stand K25
The latest TESIMAX PPE (Personal Protective Equipment)
Topic: Protective Equipment
Hall 14, Stand H32
Water Mist System in Hotel Application in Carinthia Region in Austria
Topic: Fire Prevention + more
Gniewosz Siemiatkowskii
Business Development Manager CEE , VID Fire-Kill
Hall 26, Stand C22
Extinguish to save! Tactical principles for firefighting in rail and road tunnels
Topic: Fire Fighting + more
lic. iur. Marianne Wernli
Head of Training, International Fire Academy
Hall 26, Stand C22
AI-driven positioning solution for GPS-denied environments
Topic: Civil Protection
Hall 17, Stand H26
Fire extinguishers with fluorine-free foam of the TOTAL X generation with new cartridge technology
Topic: Fire Fighting
Hall 13, Stand F69
miPROTECT - Rapid Test for Biological Threat Agents
Topic: Security systems
Hall 16, Stand K25
Presentation of the new communication fallback level for BOS, disaster control and KRITIS
Topic: Communications & Control Center Solutions
Hall 16, Stand H05
Opening - Civil Protection Beyond Borders
Topic: Civil Protection
Waldemar Pawlak
President of the Main Board, Union of Volunteer Fire Brigades
Hall 26, Stand C22
Experience the LEGO® Serious Play® (LSP) method
Topic: Civil Protection
Hall 17, Stand G18
Statement - Civil Protection Beyond Borders
Topic: Civil Protection
Gen. Serhiy Kruk
Head of State Emergency Service of UKR
Hall 26, Stand C22
Statement - Civil Protection Beyond Borders
Topic: Civil Protection
Col. Alexandru Oprea
Head of the General Inspectorate , Ministry of Internal Affairs of Moldova
Hall 26, Stand C22
Das Leistungsbestimmungs-recht bei der Feuerwehr-Beschaffung: Was geht, was nicht?
Topic: Fire Fighting
Hall 27, Stand D38
GDA-FR- Gas Detector Array — First Response
Topic: Security systems
Hall 16, Stand K25
Rescue robotics in operation
Topic: Civil Protection
Hall 17, Stand D06
Service Law, Alimentation and Allowances in Lower Saxony
Topic: Civil Protection
Hall 12, Stand B78
Statement - Civil Protection Beyond Borders
Topic: Civil Protection
Waldemar Pawlak
President of the Main Board, Union of Volunteer Fire Brigades
Hall 26, Stand C22
Statement - Civil Protection Beyond Borders
Topic: Civil Protection
Amb. Krzysztof Paturej
Hall 26, Stand C22
Brandschutzaufklärung mit allen Sinnen - Floriansdörfer und andere Einrichtungen
Topic: Fire Fighting
Hall 27, Stand D38
High-Ranking Panel Discussion
Topic: Civil Protection
HE Albrecht Broemme
Center for Risk and Crisis Management
Hall 26, Stand C22
SAMFLOWS: Presentation & Discussion Round
Topic: Fire Fighting + more
Guy Jackson
SAMFLOWSHall 27, Stand K18
Technische Hilfeleistung bei Fahrzeugen mit Elektroantrieb
Topic: Fire Fighting + more
Hall 27, Stand D38
GDA-P - Enhanced personal chemical detection for civil protection applications
Topic: Security systems
Hall 16, Stand K25
AWG: Fire Fighting with Hollow Jet Pipes
Topic: Fire Fighting
Hall 27, Stand K18
AIRSENSE we sense the hazard
Topic: Security systems
Hall 16, Stand K25
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