The central stage for professional knowledge exchange
20.06. - 25.06.2022
Hall 26, Stand C22
Topic: Civil Protection + more
Language: German, English
Redundant escape routes — about saving money in an urban environment
Topic: Fire Prevention
Dipl.-Phys. Björn Maiworm
Landeshauptstadt MünchenHall 26, Stand C22
The Roles of BIM & GIS as Drivers of Transformation in Public Safety
Topic: Civil Protection + more
Tim Obermeier
Fire Safety Engineer, hhpberlin Ingenieure für BrandschutzHall 26, Stand C22
The benefits of using high-pressure water mist fire suppression systems in high-rise buildings
Topic: Fire Prevention
Cvil Engineer MSc. Amin Hadian
Application Marketing Manager, Danfoss GmbHHall 26, Stand C22
Transition from fluorine containing to fluorine free foam concentrates — points to consider
Topic: Fire Prevention + more
Dipl.-Ing. (BA) Ingo Wosch
Sales, FireDos GmbHHall 26, Stand C22
Fire testing acc. to American Standards from a european perspective
Topic: Fire Prevention
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Stephan Schaper
System Development Construction, svt Brandschutz Vertriebsges.mbH Int.Hall 26, Stand C22
Cultural property under special fire protection
Topic: Fire Prevention
Roger Hoffmann
General Manager, HT Protect Feuerschutz+Sicherheitstech.Hall 26, Stand C22
Hoist operation in unalpine areas
Topic: Civil Protection + more
Ingo Lorenz
Regional Manager Medicine North, ADAC Luftrettung GmbHHall 26, Stand C22
Water Mist System in Hotel Application in Carinthia Region in Austria
Topic: Fire Prevention + more
Gniewosz Siemiatkowskii
Business Development Manager CEE , VID Fire-KillHall 26, Stand C22
Extinguish to save! Tactical principles for firefighting in rail and road tunnels
Topic: Fire Fighting + more
lic. iur. Marianne Wernli
Head of Training, International Fire AcademyHall 26, Stand C22
Opening - Civil Protection Beyond Borders
Topic: Civil Protection
Waldemar Pawlak
President of the Main Board, Union of Volunteer Fire BrigadesHall 26, Stand C22
Statement - Civil Protection Beyond Borders
Topic: Civil Protection
Gen. Serhiy Kruk
Head of State Emergency Service of UKRHall 26, Stand C22
Statement - Civil Protection Beyond Borders
Topic: Civil Protection
Col. Alexandru Oprea
Head of the General Inspectorate , Ministry of Internal Affairs of MoldovaHall 26, Stand C22
Statement - Civil Protection Beyond Borders
Topic: Civil Protection
Waldemar Pawlak
President of the Main Board, Union of Volunteer Fire BrigadesHall 26, Stand C22
Statement - Civil Protection Beyond Borders
Topic: Civil Protection
Amb. Krzysztof Paturej
ICCSSHall 26, Stand C22
High-Ranking Panel Discussion
Topic: Civil Protection
HE Albrecht Broemme
Center for Risk and Crisis ManagementHall 26, Stand C22
Exchange is crucial - collaboration of crisis teams via geoportals
Topic: Civil Protection + more
Holger Ziehm
Senior Business Development, Esri Deutschland GmbHHall 26, Stand C22
I&C technology at the staging areas during the Ahr Valley flood disaster
Topic: Civil Protection + more
Peter Schäfer
S6 Landkreis Neuwied, Eurocommand GmbHHall 26, Stand C22
Expertgroup heavy rainfall 2021 - 15 Big Points as most important results
Topic: Civil Protection + more
Dr. Ulrich Cimolino
Head of the Expert Group Heavy Rain, vfdbHall 26, Stand C22
Civil protection research
Topic: Civil Protection + more
Dr. Anja Hofmann-Böllinghaus
Vice President, vfdb / BAMHall 26, Stand C22
Logistics centers in THW
Topic: Civil Protection + more
Daniel Schellhorn
Officer Unit E I 4 THW Management, Technisches HilfswerkHall 26, Stand C22
Why should emergency services coordinate research projects?
Topic: Civil Protection + more
Dr. Alexander Rösner
Unit E I 3, Bundesanstalt Technisches HilfswerkHall 26, Stand C22
PAIRS: Dynamic crisis warning and -management of critical infrastructure for politics and companies
Topic: Civil Protection + more
Dennis Weber
PAIRS Forschungsprojekt / AdvaneoHall 26, Stand C22
SPELL - Not magic, but the path to the networked AI-supported control center of the future
Topic: Civil Protection + more
Dr. Eric Rietzke
Senior Researcher, DFKI GmbHHall 26, Stand C22
From the laboratory to the field - protection against nuclear and chemical hazards
Topic: Civil Protection + more
Dr.-Ing. Tanja Stimpel-Lindner
project leader, senior lecturer, ABC-Zug München-Land / UniBw MünchenHall 26, Stand C22
FALKE: Flight system-assisted management of complex operational situations
Topic: Digitalization & Transformation
Prof. Dr. Dr. Michael Czaplik
Managing Director, Co-Founder, Docs in Clouds GmbHHall 26, Stand C22
Better safe than sorry. Emergency preparedness for business and society
Topic: Civil Protection + more
Dr. Marén Schorch
PostDoc Researcher & leader of KONTIKAT, Universität Siegen/University of SiegenHall 26, Stand C22
Self-protection during respiratory protection operations with penetration depths of more than 500 me
Topic: Civil Protection + more
Markus Vogt
Training Counselor Europe, International Fire AcademyHall 26, Stand C22
The use of tracked all-terrain vehicles in civil protection
Topic: Civil Protection
Benjamin Sinnl
Vice President Business Unit Utility, Kässbohrer Geländefahrzeug AGHall 26, Stand C22
DEFERM: What the Future of Biological Decontamination will look like
Topic: Civil Protection + more
Katrin Wieden
THWHall 26, Stand C22
GIS for Risk Reduction
Topic: Civil Protection + more
Renee Bernstein
GIS Solution Engineer , Esri Public Safety Business DevelopmentHall 26, Stand C22
Enter a safer world with French solutions: pitch of French companies
Topic: Civil Protection
Hall 26, Stand C22
Fire department border tour 2022
Topic: Fire Fighting
Holger Hüfner
Feuerwehr GrenztourHall 26, Stand C22
GIS Best Practices for Disaster Response: Lessons Learned from Past Events
Topic: Civil Protection + more
Renee Bernstein
GIS Solution Engineer , Esri Public Safety Business DevelopmentHall 26, Stand C22
Real time situation reports with automated drones
Topic: Digitalization & Transformation + more
Dieter Küsel
HHLA SkyHall 26, Stand C22
Opening Italy @ INTERSCHUTZ 2022
Topic: Civil Protection
Andreas Züge
Hannover Fairs ItalyHall 26, Stand C22
REAS powered by INTERSCHUTZ leading Fair in Italy for the emergency sector
Topic: Civil Protection + more
Andreas Züge
Hannover Fairs ItalyHall 26, Stand C22
Sharing of a forest fire fighting training taken place in Tolmezzo (Italy)
Topic: Civil Protection + more
Dirk Aschenbrenner
President, vfdbHall 26, Stand C22
Final Remarks
Topic: Civil Protection
Marco Ghimenti
Corpo Nazionale dei Vigili del FuocoHall 26, Stand C22
Blaulicht Talk - The latest in civil protection! What I always wanted to know
Topic: Civil Protection
Karl-Heinz Banse
President, Deutscher FeuerwehrverbandHall 26, Stand C22
Fighting Wildland Fires in Germany
Topic: Fire Fighting + more
Dr. Ulrich Cimolino
Head of the Expert Group Heavy Rain, vfdbHall 26, Stand C22
Protection for Sustainability, Use of Recylced Textiles for Personal Protection
Topic: Civil Protection
Ron Ye
Managing Director, Shenzhen Tecron Safety Co.LtdHall 26, Stand C22
Drone technology in vegetation firefighting and mapping
Topic: Civil Protection + more
Sebastian Hodapp
Member of the Board, @fireHall 26, Stand C22
Controlled burning
Topic: Civil Protection + more
Tobias Hallas
@fireHall 26, Stand C22
INA, the intervention platform for improved situational awareness
Topic: Digitalization & Transformation + more
Geert Sergoyne
Gemsotec BVHall 26, Stand C22
Cleaning of PFAS contaminated fire fighting water, fire fighting vehicles and extinguishing systems
Topic: Fire Fighting
Robert Cornelsen
Cornelsen Umwelttechnologie GmbHHall 26, Stand C22
Personal Location Device: Solution for First Responders indoor geolocation
Topic: Fire Fighting + more
Jonathan Szabo
SYSNAVHall 26, Stand C22
Unmanned blood transport in an air rescue environment
Topic: Rescue Services + more
Jens Rosenow
ADAC Luftrettung GmbHHall 26, Stand C22
Good Morning Interschutz
Topic: Civil Protection
Hall 26, Stand C22
BIM: the digital twin of a soccer stadion
Topic: Digitalization & Transformation + more
Michael Mundt
Senior Business Development, Esri Deutschland GmbHHall 26, Stand C22
Gaining Intelligence from Unstructured Data using Machine Learning
Topic: Digitalization & Transformation
Anthony Giles
Senior Solution Engineer , Esri European National Government TeamHall 26, Stand C22
Digital fire brigade training
Topic: Digitalization & Transformation + more
Markus Wahn
Chief Executive Officer, Feuerwehr e-LearningHall 26, Stand C22
VOST - Virtual Operations Support Team
Topic: Civil Protection + more
Jan Müller-Tischer
VOST THWHall 26, Stand C22
Modern Communication with the THW-Instant Messenger
Topic: Digitalization & Transformation
Hanna Maria Burkow
Bundesanstalt Technisches Hilfswerk(THW)Hall 26, Stand C22
One network for all — Mobile broadband communication for PPDR and German armed forces
Topic: Communications & Control Center Solutions + more
Katja Krupp
Project lead Broadband PPDR Phase 0-1, BDBOSHall 26, Stand C22
State of the US Fire Service
Topic: Civil Protection + more
Dr. Lori Moore-Merrell
U.S. Fire AdministratorHall 26, Stand C22
Tradition Meets Technology: Use of Technology in Todays Fire Service
Topic: Digitalization & Transformation + more
Stefan Truthän
CEO, hhpberlinHall 26, Stand C22
Diversity in Todays Fire Service
Topic: Fire Fighting
Dr. Lori Moore-Merrell
U.S. Fire AdministratorHall 26, Stand C22
US First Responder Needs — Project Responder 6
Topic: Fire Fighting
Paul McDonagh
US Department of Homeland SecurityHall 26, Stand C22
DHS S&T First Responder Research Priorities
Topic: Fire Fighting
Daniel Cotter
US Department of Homeland SecurityHall 26, Stand C22
BOS-ID - the digital ID card
Topic: Digitalization & Transformation + more
Peter Breuer
CEO, MP-BOS GmbHHall 26, Stand C22
Certification of Industrial IoT for property loss prevention
Topic: Digitalization & Transformation + more
James Marquedant
Approvals Manager, Electrical Systems, FM Approval LLC USAHall 26, Stand C22
GIS for Interoperability and Incident Management
Topic: Civil Protection + more
Mike Cox
Director of Fire, Rescue and EMS Solutio, Deputy Fire Chief, Retired, Henrico, VAHall 26, Stand C22
ZF Rescue Connect & IMBOS
Topic: Digitalization & Transformation + more
Alexander Grupp
Digital Entrepreneur, ZF Friedrichshafen AGHall 26, Stand C22
Team Future - Firefighters and Rescue Robots Hand in Hand
Topic: Fire Fighting + more
Dirk Aschenbrenner
President, vfdbHall 26, Stand C22
How networked systems can increase firefighter safety at the scene of an incident
Topic: Fire Fighting
Daniel Gerstmann
MSAHall 26, Stand C22
Good Morning Interschutz
Topic: Fire Fighting + more
Hall 26, Stand C22
Drones as a means of action
Topic: Rescue Services + more
Björn Setzer
Head of Product Management, Eurocommand GmbHHall 26, Stand C22
New media in vocational training
Topic: Rescue Services + more
Andreas Franke
Johanniter-Akademie Niedersachsen/BremenHall 26, Stand C22
Rescue Dogs at the Fire Service
Topic: Fire Fighting + more
Denny Stübling
Spokesman RHOT working group in DFV, Berliner FeuerwehrHall 26, Stand C22
Developing drone response networks for Emergency Services
Topic: Fire Prevention + more
Benjamin van der Hilst
CCO, Avy B.V.Hall 26, Stand C22
More human - strengthen the mental fitness of firefighters preventively
Topic: Fire Fighting + more
Hermann Zengeler
executive Director, BRAND PUNKTHall 26, Stand C22
Health literacy as a resource for managers in the rescue service
Topic: Civil Protection + more
Prof. Dr. Gordon Heringshausen M.A.
Akkon Hochschule f. HumanwissenschaftenHall 26, Stand C22
BOS-ID - the digital ID card
Topic: Digitalization & Transformation + more
Peter Breuer
CEO, MP-BOS GmbHHall 26, Stand C22
Water Mist for Data Centre Protection
Topic: Security systems
Massimo Farnesi
Ultra FogHall 26, Stand C22
Why choose Water Mist?
Topic: Security systems
Ruediger Kopp
Managing Director Fixed Systems, FOGTEC Brandschutz GmbHHall 26, Stand C22
Firefighting - The Importance of rapid Intervention
Topic: Fire Fighting
Siddharth Tibrewal
Methods of effective leadership in rescue services
Topic: Rescue Services + more
Prof. Dr. Gordon Heringshausen M.A.
Akkon Hochschule f. HumanwissenschaftenHall 26, Stand C22
AVA Telenotarzt-System - Cloud-based telemedicine for emergency rescue
Topic: Rescue Services + more
Dr.-Ing. Sebastian Timme
Head of industrial Systems, FTI Engineering Network GmbHHall 26, Stand C22
Current requirements for education, training and further education in rescue services
Topic: Rescue Services
Dennis Giller
DRK Rettungsschule NiedersachsenHall 26, Stand C22
Educating Volunteer Executives in Civil Protection: Hybrid Formats
Topic: Civil Protection + more
Heiner Mansholt, M.A.
Head of Section Civil Protection, Johanniter-Akademie Niedersachen/BremenHall 26, Stand C22
Marketing & public relations in civil protection
Topic: Civil Protection + more
Heiko Hahnenstein
Managing Director, Veritas Medien GmbHHall 26, Stand C22
Deutsche Messe AG
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