INTERSCHUTZ 2015 outperformed all expectations
In the words of Dirk Aschenbrenner, President of the German Fire Protection Association (vfdb), INTERSCHUTZ 2015 exceeded all expectations.
Hannover. In the words of Dirk Aschenbrenner, President of the German Fire Protection Association (vfdb), INTERSCHUTZ 2015 exceeded all expectations: "This was true not just in terms of the statistics, but also due to the fine atmosphere that characterized the sector's flagship fair," said Aschenbrenner on Saturday. "Our goal at vfdb of making the world a little safer succeeded in outstanding fashion." The vfdb association - a noncommercial sponsor along with the German Fire Service Association (DFV) and the German Engineering Federation (VDMA) - helped stage the event in cooperation with Deutsche Messe, the event's producer.
Aschenbrenner also praised the high quality of the products and services on display at the show, as well as the event's conduciveness to networking among visiting professionals in a series of workshops and discussion forums. He noted keen interest on the part of visiting professionals with regard to R&D topics and the future challenges being faced by the industry. "Buzzwords like innovation, international appeal and cooperation characterized this edition of INTERSCHUTZ and made the system's diversity highly apparent - from firefighting and rescue services to disaster relief and critical infrastructures," commented the vfdb President.
Aschenbrenner termed the launch of the "Safety Made in Germany" quality seal, which was introduced to further promote the already solid reputation of German products and services abroad, a great success. Companies and institutions began placing new orders at INTERSCHUTZ right after the presentation ceremony for the quality seal, he said. "We are proud of being able to honor outstanding achievements in the non-policing danger prevention area," continued Aschenbrenner. He also expressed his delight at being able to welcome two further organizations from the field - the German St. John Ambulance Association and the German Red Cross - as new vfdb members during the event.
The vfdb currently has some 490 corporative and 2,400 individual members from all sectors of non-policing danger prevention. The organization's broad base guarantees a factual focus on research and cross-sector cooperation among its members. At the same time the association sees itself as an independent lobby for improving safety and security in our daily lives and industrialized society in general.
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