Besides the people who are affected, there is something else that appears again and again in media coverage of the severe floods that now hit Germany every few years – sandbags. They are generally the first and last resort for protecting land and property, but filling them often takes more time and effort than people have when trying to avoid the worst-case scenario.

However, this problem could soon be a thing of the past, thanks to the automatic sandbag filling machine that BLYSS Transporttechnik GmbH is exhibiting on the open-air site at INTERSCHUTZ in Hannover. The machine fills sandbags automatically in record time, ensuring that teams can concentrate fully on distributing the bags. The laborious task of filling sandbags is set to become much easier in the future!

BLYSS Transporttechnik GmbH (38723 Seesen, Germany), open-air site, Stand C11/6