NINA is Germany's emergency information and news app. The country’s civil and disaster prevention authorities can use it to broadcast newsflashes, warn of imminent or ongoing disasters and alert people to dangers such as major fires or leaks of hazardous chemicals. NINA also provides local reports including flood levels and any regional extreme weather warnings issued by the German Meteorological Service (GMS).

Besides actively looking for information, users will also be sent alerts from the modular warning system, GMS weather warnings and flood information. The app therefore functions as a pocket warning siren in such cases. This occurs automatically via a push-service to the user’s smartphone as long an Internet signal is present. NINA provides a number of additional useful services apart from the potentially life-saving siren function. These include "emergency advice" from experts at the BBK on the best way to act in a crisis, be that flooding, storms or other dangerous situations. A guide to emergency household supplies and a checklist for home first aid kits are also on board.